Our pre-schoolers can enjoy a range of different activities across the week, from child-led play, adult-guided crafting, forest-school adventures and specialist music or drama sessions. See below for details of the activities on offer at Groombridge Pre-School.

Sessions offered are Monday-Friday, term time only; we are open 38 weeks of the year (see our term dates page for more details).

Full day: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Half day: 9:00am - 12:00pm or 9:00am - 1:00pm or 12:00pm - 3:00pm



Morning Session: Ready, Steady Sports* - MSporti provide a multi-sport coaching programme geared at giving the children a great introduction to sport through play and exploration in a fun and safe environment.

Afternoon Session: Rising 5’s - This session is solely for children who will be starting school in the following academic year. We focus on skills such as active listening and speaking to the group, putting on a coat and carrying a lunch tray as well as developing fine motor skills.


Morning Session: Dance* - Nutty Nina from Studio N provides captivating and energetic dance classes which help with coordination, flexibility and balance as well as self-confidence.


Afternoon Session: KM Drama* – KM Club is a fun and active Drama club which incorporates drama activities and games to help encourage children to strengthen valuable lifestyle skills through discovery and play.


Afternoon session: Health and Cooking* - Run by the staff, this session involves preparing ingredients, measuring and putting the ingredients together, and of course eating the cooked food! We also discuss the importance of a balanced diet, understanding food allergies and think about where produce comes from, to help to lay the foundation for healthy eating habits.


Nature Session - Our Friday sessions focus on exploring nature and the outdoors. Wellies and waterproofs along with a change of clothes and their usual shoes will be required.

* These Activities are Charged at £2.50 per session to cover the costs of the provider.


Changing your sessions

It is our policy at Groombridge Pre School to allocate places and arrange sufficient staffing numbers well in advance, allowing for maximum flexibility and the best possible staff ratios.

In order to achieve this, we require that parents notify us of any changes in sessions at least one full half term in advance and these will be dependent on availability. Unfortunately, any cancelled sessions during the term will be non-refundable.

For more information, please see our Cancellation Policy.